Friday, December 21, 2018

Post 10: English Language Challenges

I really like this subject because the teaching has been awesome. The activities in the classroom, the listening and the participation has been very important to practice and learn English.
The use of the blog became in a great strategy to start to practice the grammar, the use of the sentences and the verbs inside them. And other important aspect is the coherence in the sentences because if you don't write well no one can understand you.
Also, this blog helped me to know better my classmates and be closer among us.
I think that I need to improve my writing and my redaction of the sentences and also my formal use of the language. I plan to do more exercises at home and unload apps for more practice.
Outside the English class I'm use a lot of English because I like to practice with my little brother. I think that the education of the language since early age is a benefit in the adult future, because when you get older is more difficult to learn languages.
Also, in my house I'm like to watch TV programs in English so I watched without subtitles to understand quickly and the better way the contens.

I'm so grateful of Miss Zagal for teaching me English two years followed.
She is a great teacher and a beautiful person.
I'm very sure that it will go very well in her life and profession.
Thanks for everything ! It was very cool!

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